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Insect Allergies

An insect allergy refers to when a patient's body develops a reaction due to an insect bite or sting. While some insect allergies are not life-threatening, others are extremely serious. Extreme swelling is always a potential symptom, and a sting may also lead to a systemic reaction if not treated properly.

When Is an Allergic Reaction Most Likely to Occur?

Any outdoor activity, particularly if barefoot or sitting on the ground, increases your risk of being bitten or stung. Some examples of activities that can lead to a reaction include:

  • Beekeeping
  • Camping
  • Walking barefoot in the grass
  • Partaking in picnic activities
  • Being in close proximity to trash cans
  • Enjoying activities in orchards with fallen fruit on the ground
  • Carrying out yard work, such as trimming shrubbery
  • Painting while outdoors
  • Camping

Which Insects Are Responsible for Allergic Reactions?

Some common insects that can elicit an allergic response are:

  • Ants
  • Bees
  • Beetles
  • Flies
  • Mosquitoes
  • Mayflies
  • Aphids
  • Bed bugs
  • Kissing bugs
  • Moths and caterpillars
  • Cockroaches
  • Fleas
  • Caddis flies

Additionally, a few insects can cause painful stings that may or may not be an allergic trigger. They include:

  • Honey Bees
  • Bumblebees
  • Sweat bees
  • Fire ants

How is an Insect Allergy Treated?

Although topical and systemic antihistamine therapy is helpful for the primary symptom of a bite or sting (i.e. itching), prevention of bites by using anti-repellants lotion and minimizing exposure to insects is always recommended. Being aware of your surroundings and reducing outdoor activities after dusk can limit your exposure to insect based allergens.

If you have developed allergic reactions due to insect bites, or are displaying symptoms, please contact our offices or request an appointment online. Our experienced team of allergists at Advanced Allergy & Asthma would be happy to you in manage your insect allergies.

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  • Beaver, PA605 Sharon Rd,
    Beaver, PA 15009
  • 724-775-4099
  • Butler, PA200 Renaissance Dr,
    Suite 105,
    Butler, PA 16001
  • 724-224-5440
  • Monroeville, PA2550 Mosside Blvd,
    Suite 202,
    Monroeville, PA 15146
  • 724-224-5440
  • Sewickley, PA301 Ohio River Blvd,
    Suite 204,
    Sewickley, PA 15143
  • 412-741-9260
  • Tarentum, PA301 E. Fifth Ave,
    Tarentum, PA 15084
  • 724-224-5440
  • Washington, PA204 Wellness Way,
    Suite 300,
    Washington, PA 15301
  • 724-224-5440
  • Weirton, WV651 Colliers Way,
    Suite 409,
    Weirton, WV 26062
  • 724-224-5440
  • Wexford, PA6400 Brooktree Ct,
    Suite 230,
    Wexford, PA 15090
  • 724-719-2441